Thursday, August 18, 2011

Happy 3rd Birthday Willow!

It was three years ago that our gift from God came; all 8 lbs 14 oz of her.  That week was the summer 2008 Olympic games.  We watched a lot of it mostly to distract us from the fact that our baby was overdue and wasn't wanting to arrive yet.  Finally after being over a week late, I was induced and many hours later, Willow Katherine Bowers entered the world.  The nurse handed the crying bundle over to us and immediately she stopped crying when she heard our voices.  That night, I remember us needing to cuddle close to her because she didn't like that she had so much room in her bassinet.  She still likes cuddling at night.

Willow is so many wonderful things in one little package.  She's expressive and spirited, yet has a very shy, sweetness about her too.  She continually surprises me with how imaginative she is during play time.  Willow can roar like the best of them as we're on a safari for a dinosaur lurking in her room or creating a full conversation from the sticker on her arm.  She loves her stuffed animals, taking extra care to give them kisses and cuddles.  Making up stories from "reading" the Census Bureau pamphlet has to be my favorite this week.  And when the tickle monster(Daddy) comes, her squeaky, contagious giggle will about send your heart bubbling over.

Love you Willow with all my heart.  Thank you for making me stop and enjoy the little things of life.  Wish I could freeze frame you in this point of time, but I know it's best for you to just keep growing.  Even though you like to throw flour and sprinkles all over the kitchen while we're baking, or plead with me to go to McDonalds every other day, or lay all over the folded laundry, or your fiery side shows itself; it doesn't matter, because I love you for all of you.  You bring us SO much joy!

Happy 3rd Birthday Willow!!!!