I also discovered that I was a very spoiled child. I couldn't believe how many stuffed animals/toys I had. We did save a few memorable pieces, including Baby All Gone and this guy:
TEDDY RUXPIN, the animatronic talking bear!! It of course uses cassette tapes, and still works. I remember having so much fun watching him talk and sing. Willow giggled when she pulled him out of an old dusty box. It definitely brought me back a couple decades.
She has held a special place in her heart lately for old toys. Here's a picture of how much she loves her daddy's old bear that she found this week:
Let's just say that her special bunny doesn't ever hug any of the other stuffed animals!
Birthday pictures to come later. Willow's 2nd birthday is tomorrow!!
HAHA! Teddy Ruxpin! I can't believe he still works! That's awesome!!!! So fun to find new/old treasures!!!
How fun and memorable! Kind of sad, I had that Teddy too, but no way would I have remembered its name.
YAY! I'm glad you're back! I SO remember those toys and I'm glad you kept Teddy R. Happy Birthday to Willow and lets hang out soon!
Look at all your posts! I will be following, so keep it up!
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