Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Old toys....new treasures!

My parents have been slowly transitioning to there new home in St Paul.  This weekend they took their second trip back to South Dakota for another Uhaul load.  So Sunday evening was a beautiful, cool day to move the last few boxes in.  We tried to organize as much as we could down in the basement, but I think I know what we'll be doing next spring....YARD SALE!

I also discovered that I was a very spoiled child.  I couldn't believe how many stuffed animals/toys I had.  We did save a few memorable pieces, including Baby All Gone and this guy:

TEDDY RUXPIN, the animatronic talking bear!!  It of course uses cassette tapes, and still works.  I remember having so much fun watching him talk and sing.  Willow giggled when she pulled him out of an old dusty box.  It definitely brought me back a couple decades.

She has held a special place in her heart lately for old toys.  Here's a picture of how much she loves her daddy's old bear that she found this week:

Let's just say that her special bunny doesn't ever hug any of the other stuffed animals!

Birthday pictures to come later.  Willow's 2nd birthday is tomorrow!!


Seth and Kelly said...

HAHA! Teddy Ruxpin! I can't believe he still works! That's awesome!!!! So fun to find new/old treasures!!!

Nate and Natalie said...

How fun and memorable! Kind of sad, I had that Teddy too, but no way would I have remembered its name.

Jenny said...

YAY! I'm glad you're back! I SO remember those toys and I'm glad you kept Teddy R. Happy Birthday to Willow and lets hang out soon!

angie leverence said...

Look at all your posts! I will be following, so keep it up!